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...The story might change, but the overall trends are similar.
We must remember that volatility is a normal stock market dynamic. For example, we witnessed an extreme amount of volatility in 2020 due to COVID-19, but that was bookended by 2019 and 2021, where general levels of volatility were relatively low.
For more than four decades, the S&P 500 annual returns were positive in 32 out of 42 years, with an average return of 11%.
Stock markets can be volatile in the short term, but sticking to a long-term plan through periods of market volatility is vital to staying on track towards reaching your financial goals.
Click the link below for a visual graphic:
Overview: Bull and bear markets in Canada since 1955
Overview: Bull and bear markets in the U.S. since 1950
What should you do now?
1. Keep in check investor emotions! During times of negative volatility, it is highly recommended that you should stay the course
2. Discounted markets! If you can invest, you can request us to start/increase your contributions